“Culture starts with leadership. Leaders must model the way.”
— Arne Sorenson, former president and CEO, Marriot International.
Leadership development
Our collective global law firm experience experience covers almost half a century and in that time we have worked closely with both established senior leaders and those new to leadership roles.
We have found that the most effective leaders are often the most empathetic and compassionate towards those they lead. We believe empathy and compassion are not ‘soft’ concepts but hard-edged business skills which applied appropriately can transform organisational performance. As well as established executive coaching techniques we use behavioural models to help focus attention on the needs and priorities of those being lead, as well as raising awareness of each leader’s preferred style and how this can be adapted or developed for maximum effect. In this way we help both aspiring and established leaders build a more impactful, confident and empathetic leadership style.
If you are an established leader, new to a leadership role, or aspire to take the next step in your leadership journey, get in touch to find out how we can help you to maximise your potential. We are happy to work in person or remotely according to your preferences.